Postal swims

A postal swim involves swimming in an event without travelling to a swim meet. You can swim the event at a time and pool that suits you within a specific time frame but you need to have someone to time and record your split times.

The times are posted to the organising club and the results and awards are posted back at a later date.

There are a variety of postal swims conducted throughout the year that may interest many of our members. Details of all postal swims can be found in the Postal Swim folder at the pool during endurance sessions and flyers are on the Masters Swimming Australia Postal Swims web page.

There is a folder for Postal Swims which is kept in the Endurance Swims bag. There will be an information sheet (please don’t remove this) and multiple entry forms for each of the swims.

If you have any questions, please contact our Postal Swim Coordinator